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Distributed Content Overview


Please note that Distributed Content tag is only available for clients that have subscriptions to other comScore products. If you are interested in subscribing to other products, please contact our Sales Team.

comScore Media Metrix Distributed Content reporting provides an independent and consistent measurement of the increasingly popular distributed-content market (i.e., applications, syndicated content, or other distributed contentassets). It offers a reliable solution for publishers seeking to monetize their audiences as well as an alternate means for advertisers aiming to reach elusive demographic segments online.

Measurement of distributed content entities require a tagging based measurement approach that serves as one of the raw ingredients in facilitating insight into the total number of unique visitors and the number of content impressions associated with the distributed content.
Distributed Content entities will also be eligible for inclusion in the vertical categories available within the comScore Client Focus Dictionary, including the Ad Focus list.

Next: Distributed Content Requirements


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