In order for comScore to track distributed content assets, clients are required to:
1) Contact their comScore client services representative to obtain a discrete 7 digit client id – the C2 ID.
2) Each client is required to tag individual objects as the asset is being impressed upon the page. The tag call will include parameters that include the C2 ID referenced above and a Content ID (passed in the C3 parameter), which the client will be responsible for creating and assigning. The Content ID must be an integer and must be included in the C3 parameter of the tag call as the object or content asset is instantiated based on a user request.Only one discrete tag per object impression event.
a. Reporting will default to a single line item for each reportable entity. comScore can provide the capability for more granular reporting levels through a hierarchy. Clients wishing to have a reportable hierarchy for their different content assets must discretely tag their various content assets with unique Content IDs in the C3 parameter.
b. Clients must keep track of their Content IDs and submit any additions/deletions to the inventory to comScore on a monthly basis. The mechanism for this inventory submission will be through a monthly Excel file delivered to comScore that contains the following:
c. Content ID: Self assigned unique integer (of up to 19 digits) for each discrete content asset that needs to be measured. If no reportable hierarchy is being defined, set C3=1 for all content assets.
i. Content ID: Self assigned unique integer (of up to 19 digits) for each discrete content asset that needs to be measured. If no reportable hierarchy is being defined, set C3=1 for all content assets.
ii. Content Friendly Name (required): An object name that will be used for reporting purposes if a reportable hierarchy is desired. The maximum depth of the hierarchy will be 3 tiers under each reportable client. For example:
1. Client X
a. Client X Automotive Content
i. Client X Sports Cars
ii. Client X Sedans
b. Client X Financial Content
i. Client X Stocks
ii. Client X Banking
iii.Category Information (optional): An optional categorization of any level of the hierarchy into a traditional comScore client-focus dictionary (CFD) category. This categorization will be in addition to the default classification within the Distributed Content list and will be subject to the CFD rules for inclusion in any given vertical category.