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Which metric should I use to compare to my web analytics implementation?

The metric to use in comparing to your web analytics implementation will depend on what filtering is currently applied to your web analytics data. comScore's Census Page Views Filtered metric removes traffic from the IAB Robots and Spiders list that they publish on a monthly basis as well as traffic that appears to be non-human in nature. If your Web Analytics solution removes these two types of traffic, then this will be the best metric for you to use for comparison purposes.

Please also note that there will be other factors that can cause a variance between the two data sources:

  • Tag placement on the page (comScore now recommends placement at the top of the page versus the bottom)
  • Consistency in tag placement across the same URLs
  • Ensuring that event tagging or video streams from your web analytics implementation are not included when comparing the Page Views metric to comScore's Census Page Views Filtered metric.
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