How can we help you?

Comscore Direct and Media Metrix UDM™

Comscore Direct is a self-service portal for managing the measurement of your web content. As a Comscore Direct subscriber, you control how your properties are reported by Comscore because you organize and initiate the tagging process. Comscore Direct also provides an easy way to track and validate traffic counts on a daily – even hourly – basis, giving you confidence that your sites are reported accurately.

In Comscore Direct you will select to copy the code for your website, distributed content, or ad network . Once you've placed this Java Script code on your web content, Comscore is able to track online events related to the use of your content. Using a proprietary methodology we count, clean, and sort the data to deliver critical insights to publishers, ad agencies, and ad networks.

Tagging with Comscore enables you to demonstrate the strength and value of your site audience and extend your exposure in the market. Media Metrix Unified Digital Measurement™ Internet audience measurement methodology reconciles server-side census web traffic with person-level data from the global research panel for fully consistent Unified audience measures. The resulting data is used as the industry standard for planning online campaigns, and evaluating the audience delivery of those campaigns, at an unprecedented level of completeness and granularity. Many online marketers and agencies will not consider placement on sites that are not measured by a reliable third-party like Comscore.

Media Metrix UDM™ Overview

Click here to get an overview of the Media Metrix UDM™ data collection process, data edit rules, Unified measure calculations, and the new reports and notations that will help you successfully navigate the introduction of Unified measurement.

Comscore Public Data Usage Policy

Click here to review the Comscore Public Data Usage Policy, which states the policy for clients citing Comscore Media Metrix or other Comscore data in the public domain, and specifically how Unified data and category rankings can be used by Media Metrix users in public-facing documents and communications.

Comscore Direct Data Retention Policy

Users are able to segment the Traffic/Tag Review monthly or by custom date ranges; the Comscore Direct policy enables users to query data within 15 months of collection.


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