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Manually Including the Comscore Library- iOS

If you prefer to manually include the appropriate ComScore.framework libraries in your application project, then please follow these instructions.

Typically with the Xcode IDE(15)frameworks are placed inside the application project and added to the Frame works folder in the Project Explorer.

1. Put the appropriate ComScore.framework library folder inside your application project folder.

2. Drag the ComScore.framework library folder into the Frameworks folder in the Project Explorer.

3. Ensure the library is available for linking.

    a. Go to the Build Phases panel of your project target options.

    b. Expand Link Binary with Libraries to reveal the list of frameworks and libraries that will be linked when building a binary.

    c. Ensure ComScore.framework appears in the list beneath Link Binary with Libraries and otherwise drag ComScore.framework from the Project Explorer into the list.               This will also automatically cause the ComScore.framework library folder to be added to the Library Search Paths in the Build Settings panel of your project target                options.

The Comscore library requires the System Configuration.framework and Security.framework frameworks as well as the C++ Standard Library(i.e.,libc++) to be present in the compiled application or iOS extension. There is no need to add those frameworks and that library to your project as long as the Enable Modules (C and Objective-C)and Link Frameworks Automatically settings are both enabled in the Apple LLVM - Language Modules section on the Build Settings panel of your project target options in Xcode, which will cause the aforementioned frameworks and library to automatically be linked against when your project is compiled.

By default these settings are enabled on projects created with Xcode(16). If your project settings differ from what is described above then you will likely need to add the mentioned frameworks and library to your project targets.


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