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Traffic Review Report

You are able to review your unfiltered and filtered Census Page Views and Unique Cookies through comScore Direct in the "Traffic Review”. This report may be viewed in either a Dictionary entity or Domain view and allows the user to segment the data by geography and monthly or custom data ranges.

Note: The Domain view includes a platform filter that allows users to specify a platform data subset to display. Data can be viewed individually for PCs, Media Tablets, Mobile Handsets or users can select “All” to display data for all platforms combined.

This report will give you a good sense of the entities for which comScore is collecting data, and if those levels are in line with your internal metrics. Please note that the Census Page Views Filtered that you observe in comScore Direct under the "Traffic Review" report should not be considered as the final Page View counts as reported in Media Metrix. This traffic will subsequently pass through comScore's Page View methodology, and will be filtered using all the edit rules we apply in Unified reporting.

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