The "Enter Domain" field is the starting point for you to indicate the existing comScore Dictionary entity or the domain for which you want to tag.

There are two options for claiming a domain:
Select an existing entity from the comScore Dictionary. In the "Enter Domain" box in the Manage Websites grid, enter the domain you wish to tag. The system will start to search for the domain as you type to display any comScore Dictionary entities that may match. Select the desired entity and click "Add" to have the entity appear in the Management grid below.
- Dictionary entries in black are available to be claimed, entries listed in grey are already associated with a client ID (C2 value).
- If your entity is greyed out, please review the list of entities in the Manage Websites grid to ensure that the entity is not already associated with your account. If the entity is not listed in the Manage Websites grid and is also greyed out in the drop down search results, please contact your Client Services Representative or email

After the entity selection is made, comScore will confirm that the tag has been placed on the site and verify that tag data is being sent from the entity selected.
Add a new entry to the comScore Dictionary. If the domain is not already listed as an entity in the comScore Dictionary, the system will prompt you to add a new entry and categorize the site.

- Formatting for the domain should be as follows:
- The prefix of "http://" or "www" is not needed or valid
After entering the domain name, select a category that most accurately reflects the content on your site and click the "Add" button.
To clear the Enter Domain field and category selection or to simply start over, click the "Cancel" link.
New Dictionary entries require verification from comScore’s Dictionary management team. They will verify site ownership, branding and categorization of your submission and confirm your entry by email within five business days.
Note: Entries submitted after the 20th/21st of the month may not be approved until the beginning of the next calendar month due to a closed period in which new entries are not updated in the comScore Dictionary.

Important note: Existing Media Metrix clients tagging through comScore Direct do not need to claim their domains or Dictionary entities as that process has already been completed by comScore. However please note that new domains that are not already in the comScore Dictionary must be claimed prior to tagging to ensure that data will appear within your comScore Direct account for review.